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AD - Endurance Test




The endurance test is intended to provide proof that the dog is capable of a physical effort, without considerable fatigue shown subsequently. The dog`s structure and physical condition must be able to hold up throughout the requirements of the entire examination. The examination places increased demands on the body and internal organs, especiallly the heart and lungs. But also examines other properties, such as temperament and hardness. The effortless management of the performance must be seen as proof of the physical health and the presence of the required drives.
Befor the tes starts the identity of the dog must be verified.
The same provisions apply to the event approval as for the other examinations determined by the national organisation, . The result must be entered in the scorebook, or on the pedigree.
When applying for an event authorisation, the organiser accepts the responsibility to carry out the endurance test during the summermonths only in the early
morning, or late afternoon hours. The outside temperature should not exceed 22  degrees celcius (72 F), 
Participation in an endurance test is voluntary. Should the handler or the dog be injured during the course of an endurance test, neither the organiser nor the judge can be held liable.


The minimum required age is 16 months. A maximum of 20 dogs are allowed per day with one judge. If there are more than 20 dogs then a second judge must be used. For safety reasons, each handler is allowed to show only one dog. The dogs must be fully and well trained. Ill, weak, overheated, pregnant or nursing bitches must not be allowed to start. At the beginning of an examination, the handler checks in with the judge. The judge has to be sure the dog is in good shape. Dogs that appear to be tired or unhappy are to be excluded from participation. If a dog shows excessive fatigue symptoms or other impairments during the test, the dog has to terminate in the examination.
All decisions by the judge are not contestable.


Points and ratings are not awarded, only passed or not passed.


The examination will be held on roads or paths of various possible surfaces. For example: asphalt or unpaved streets, grass or dirt paths.


The examination is a distance of 20 Kilometres (12.4 miles) in length at a rate of 12-15 kilometres per hour (7.5-9.3 mph)


The handler takes his dog to the starting position for the examination. The dog has to run (according to traffic regulations) on the right side of the handler in a normal trot beside the bike. Avoid having the dog run too fast. The leash must be kept longer so that the dog has the ability to adapt to any tempo. Connection devices ("springer") are allowed. Slight pulling on the leash is not faulty, but the dog should not be constantly dragging and choking himself. After the first 8km (5 miles), a break of 15 minutes is required. After the break 7km (4.5 miles) more are to be covered, then a break of 20 minutes. During the break, the dog is given the opportunity to move freely and without constraint.
Shortly before the return to the final running portion the judge must check the dogs for fatigue or injury to their paws. Fatigued dogs or dogs whose paws are injured must be terminated. After completion of the final running portion , a 15 minute break must be inserted. During the break the dog must be given the opportunity to move freely and without constraint. The judge must determine wether the dog shows signs of fatigue or injury to the paws. Judge should accompany the dogs on the bike if possible , if not they should follow in a car. The results must be entered in the scorebook. it is necessary for the handler/dogs to be accompanied by a motor vehicle so that dogs that cannot continue, can be loaded into the motor vehicle and transported back to the start. 
Dogs that show exceptional signs of fatigue or are unable to withstand the minimum speed of 12 km/h can not pass the examination.


After the endurance test, the handlers will assemble with their dogs in the heeling position. At the judges discretion the the dogs will perform a brief heelwork exercise, on or off leash. Th jusdge will determine and verify the psychological condition of the dogs.


German Shepherd Dog League of Great Britain

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